The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Device Computing, Communication, and Signal Processing [AIDCCSP-2024] seeks submissions in the form of original technical papers and presentations. Submissions should delve into the theoretical and technological foundations of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Device Computing, Communication, and Signal Processing. Emphasis is placed on exploring applications propelling the advancement of these domains, operational intricacies, empirical findings from deployments, and the overarching influence on end-users, the research landscape, public administration, and various commercial sectors. The conference aims to foster discussions on the multifaceted dimensions of AI, Device Computing, Communication, and Signal Processing, promoting the exchange of knowledge and insights among scholars and practitioners. The conference will be held as offline event, accepting in person presentations, and will be conducted between December 20-22, 2024. AIDCCSP-2024 invites high-quality research papers in various tracks listed below.

Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Pattern recognition
  • Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality
  • Distributed & Cloud Computing
  • Soft Computing
  • Grid and Cluster Computing
  • Perceptual Computing, and related topics
  • Learning using Ensemble and boosting strategies
  • Manifold Learning
  • Fuzzy Learning
  • Kernel Based Learning
  • Genetic Learning
  • Bioinformatics and biomedical informatics
  • Collaborative filtering
  • Information retrieval
  • Natural language processing
  • Inference dependencies on multi-layered networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks and its applications
  • Graph wavelets & Graph mining methods
  • Clustering, Classification and regression methods
  • Supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Pattern summarization
  • Fuzzy approaches to parameter estimation
  • Genetic optimization

Internet of Things

  • Applications and Use Cases:
    • Healthcare
    • Industry & Manufacturing
    • Smart Cities, Smart Buildings
    • Vehicular, Sustainability
    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    • Natural Resource Management
    • Transportation, Construction
    • Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Computing:
    • Edge and Embedded Computing
    • High Performance Computing
    • Data Storage
    • Localization techniques
  • Connectivity:
    • IoT Communication Protocols
    • Wireless Communications
    • Internet, Mobility
    • Software Defined Networking
    • Wireless Sensor Networking
    • Drone assisted communications
    • Deep Space Communications, Satellite Communications, Maritime Communications
    • Underwater Communications
    • Terahertz Communications
    • Ultra-reliability and Low latency
    • IoT in Fifth and Sixth generation networks
    • Internet of Nano Bio Things
  • Security and Privacy:
    • IoT Cybersecurity
    • Privacy and Trust
    • Blockchains

Data Sciences and Big Data

  • Big data management
  • Data retrieval
  • Big data storage techniques
  • Data mining and warehouse
  • Data visualization
  • Scalability and portability issues of big data
  • Big data recommender systems
  • Digital Forensics
  • Parallel processing of big data
  • Distributed access of big data
  • Applications of big data and related topics
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Text Mining
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning
  • Data Visualizations
  • Semantic-based Data Mining
  • Data Wrangling, Data Cleaning, Data Curation, Data Munching
  • Data Analysis, Statistical Insights
  • Decision making from insights, Hidden patterns
  • Data Science technologies, tools, frameworks, platforms, and APIs
  • Link and Graph Mining
  • Efficiency, scalability, security, privacy, and complexity issues in Data Science
  • Labelling, Collecting, Surveying, Interviewing, and other tools for Data Collection
  • Applications in Mobility, Multimedia, Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine, Healthcare, Finance, Business, Law, Transportation, Retailing, Telecommunication


  • Communications theory and systems
  • Information and coding theory
  • Wireless communications
  • Satellite and space communications
  • Quantum communications and computing
  • Security and privacy issues in communications
  • Smart grid and power line communications
  • Edge communications
  • Machine learning/AI-based solutions for wireless communications
  • Energy harvesting and green communications
  • Molecular, biological and multi-scale communications
  • Microwave Devices and Meta surfaces
  • Antennas and Phased Arrays
  • Microwave/mm-Wave/TeraHertz Communication and Imaging
  • Optimization and Machine learning aided design of Antennas and Microwave Components
  • Radars, Remote sensing and Wireless Power Transfer
  • Optical communication
  • Optical networks and systems
  • Optical network security
  • Visible and IR free-space optical communication systems
  • Optical interconnect technologies

Network and learning theory

  • 5G/B5G/6G/next-generation networks
  • Wireless and wireline networks
  • Quantum networking
  • Biological networks
  • Cloud & fog/edge computing and networking
  • Complex networks/social networks
  • Cyber-physical systems/IoT
  • Network economics and pricing
  • Network security and privacy
  • Sensor and ad hoc networks
  • Software-defined networking

Signal Processing

  • Adaptive signal processing
  • Biomedical signal processing
  • Detection and estimation
  • DSP implementation and architectures
  • Graph signal processing
  • Image, multimedia and video signal processing
  • Secure signal processing
  • Pattern recognition and machine learning
  • Optimization for signal processing
  • Quantum signal processing
  • Speech, audio and language processing
  • Sparse signal processing
  • Graph signal processing
  • Applications in astronomy/astrophysics

Analog, Mixed-Signal, and RF Circuits:

  • Amplifiers, comparators, oscillators, filters, references
  • Nonlinear analog circuits
  • Digitally-assisted analog circuits
  • Analog design at lower technology nodes
  • Analog circuits for diverse applications
  • Data Converters; PLL/ADPLL
  • I/O Design; Bio-inspired analog and mixed signal circuits
  • Analog circuits and instrumentation related to Biomedical, healthcare, sensor interfacing, wearable, and flexible systems
  • Low Noise Circuits; EMI Immune Design; Auto Calibration Techniques
  • Wearable electronics; Flexible electronics; Ultra-low power circuit techniques
  • High-Speed Interfaces, RF, mm-Wave, and THz transceivers, SoCs, and SiPs
  • Frequency synthesizers

Advanced Process/Material, Device Design and Modelling:

  • Advanced CMOS process
  • Low-dimensional materials and devices
  • Meta-Materials
  • 2D and nano wire devices
  • Nano-patterning; Directed self-Assembly
  • EUV, ALE and selective deposition; Strain/channel engineering
  • Advanced manufacturing technology
  • Fabrication of Nano-Sensors and Bio-Sensors; metrology and yield
  • Deep nanoscale CMOS devices
  • Device modeling and simulation
  • Multi-domain simulation; device/circuit-level reliability and variability
  • Devices for beyond CMOS, compact modeling and novel TCAD solutions
  • GaN and SiC devices for High Voltage applications
  • Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Yield (DFY)

Emerging Computing and post-CMOS Technologies:

  • Quantum Information Processing Systems
  • Quantum logic circuits
  • Quantum algorithms
  • Spin-based computing
  • Reversible computing; Approximate and stochastic computing
  • Cryogenic processors; MEDA; Microfluidic Biochips
  • Emerging memory technologies (ReRAM, Memristor, MRAM, FeRAM, nanotube RAM, phase-change memory)
  • MEMS/NEMS devices and applications
  • Electronics for automotive systems; Device, circuit, architecture design, analysis, and optimization for neuromorphic computing systems

Power and Energy Management:

  • Power management and control circuits, Regulators
  • Power converter ICs
  • Energy harvesting circuits and systems
  • Wide-bandgap topologies and gate-drivers
  • Power and signal isolators
  • Power management for automotive systems
  • Battery management circuits and systems
  • Power Delivery Networks (PDN)
  • Power Switches; High Voltage Circuits and Systems
  • Power management for High Voltage Application
  • Power/Thermal balance